Yield Vaults

Strategies that utilize only stablecoins and do not enter any volatile assets

  • Stargate stable farm

  • TraderJoe & Vector farm

Stargate stable farm USDC

Protocols & Pools Used: Stargate - USDC (avalanche) Pool TraderJoe - STG-USDC Pool

Description: The strategy deposits 100% of USDC into Stargate farm on Avalanche. Stargate is a bridge that connects multiple blockchains. Every time a user wants to transfer the funds over the bridge they have to pay a fee which is where the yield rewards for the liquidity providers come from.

On top of the liquidity providers also earn STG token which is sold for USDC and reinvested into the strategy itself.


  • Stargate exploit

  • Standard smart contract risks

  • USDC depeg risk

Stargate stable farm USDT

Protocols & Pools Used: Stargate - USDT (avalanche) Pool TraderJoe - STG-USDC Pool & USDC-AVAX pool & USDT-AVAX pool

Description: The strategy deposits 100% of USDC into Stargate farm on Avalanche which is a bridge that connects multiple blockchains. Every time a user wants to transfer the funds over the bridge they have to pay a fee which is where the yield rewards for the liquidity providers come from.

On top of the liquidity providers also earn STG token which is sold for USDC and reinvested into the strategy.


  • Stargate exploit

  • Standard smart contract risks

  • USDT depeg risk

TraderJoe & Vector farm USDC-USDC.e

Protocols & Pools Used: TraderJoe - USDC-USDC.e & JOE-AVAX & AVAX-USDC Pools Vector finance - USDC-USDC.e Pool

Description: The strategy converts 50% of USDC into USDC.e (USDC bridged over from Ethereum). Both assets are deposited into Trader Joe USDC/USDC.e liquidity pool and LP tokens are issued as a representation of the position. The strategy earns a portion of the fees paid for any trading happening in the pool.

TraderJoe LP tokens are further deposited into Vector finance which provides extra yield in the form of JOE token which is sold for USDC and reinvested into the strategy.


  • TraderJoe & Vector Finance exploits

  • Standard smart contract risks

  • USDC depeg risk

  • USDC.e depeg risk

USDC.e is USDC that was issued on Ethereum and bridged to Avalanche via the official Avalanche bridge. USDC is natively issued on the Avalanche chain.

Last updated