🟢 | Add $BRO to your wallet

This page shows you several ways how you can add $BRO and $bBRO to your Arbitrum wallets.

How to add $BRO and $bBRO to the Metamask wallet

  1. Token addresses for $BRO and $bBRO: $BRO: 0x2b45e21C35A33C58E4C5ce82A82466b0754Fd154 $bBRO: 0x5730a208Ccce127dba8b3a3ED387B1AA789b4754

  2. Open your Metamask wallet extension

  3. Scroll down in your wallet extension

  4. Click on "Add custom token"

  5. Repeat the same process for $bBRO

How to add $BRO and $bBRO manually to your XDEFI Wallet

  1. Token addresses for $BRO and $bBRO: $BRO: 0x2b45e21C35A33C58E4C5ce82A82466b0754Fd154 $bBRO: 0x5730a208Ccce127dba8b3a3ED387B1AA789b4754

  2. Open your XDEFI Wallet Extension

  3. Select the "Custom" Tab

  4. Select "Arbitrum" in the dropdown

  5. Proceed by clicking "Next"

  6. Repeat the process for $bBRO

Last updated

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